Henry Sothoron

Identified in father’s will of 1793 as one of oldest 3 sons. Bequeathed properties (see his Notes).

** Mother’s will & estate - Maryland

Mary Sothoron wills Negroes to sons John, Zachariah, Henry & James Forbes Sothoron; and to daughters Ann Smith & Eleanor Gardiner; and to granddaughters Mary Thomas & Elizabeth Thomas. Balance of estate to be sold, 1/7 going to each child, with the grandchildren sharing 1/7. $100 of estate to go to poor & needy. Executors John, Zachariah, Henry & James Sothoron. Witness: John T. Hawkins, Eleanor Howe.

- John, Zachariah & James F. Sothoron refused to serve as executors.

- In a codicil dated 27 November 1824, $250.00 was left to her niece Clara Griffin or her legal representative. Witness: Henry G.S. Key, Eleanor Howe (Wills JF#1:131, St. Mary’s Co., 1823.08.05, Proved 1825.03.05)

Henry Sothoron, of Chas Co, has obtained from Orphans Crt of St. Mary’s Co, Md, ltrs test, with will annexed on prsnl est of Mary Sothoron, late of St. Mary’s Co, dec’d (Dixon*, 1824-1826.:302, St. Mary’s Co., Reported 1826.01.23)

On application of Henry Sothoron Executor of Mary Sothoron late of Saint Mary’s Co. deceased It is ordered by the court that the said executor give the notice required by law for the creditors to exhibit their claims against the Estate of the deceased, and that the same be published once a week for four weeks in the National Intelligencer, a newspaper published in the District of Columbia. (Blackwell* {Orphans Court Proc :8, St. Mary’s Co., 1826.12)

** Uncle’s will - Maryland

Will of Samuel Bond. To wife Elizabeth $2,000 and slaves. Balance of estate to be divided:

- To Clarissa Bond Sothoron, daughter of nephew John Sothoron, $2,000.

- To Samuel Bond Gardiner, son of niece Eleanor Gardiner, $3,000.

- To Matilda Kroner, niece, $1,000.

- To Susanna Key Bond & Clarissa Griffin, nieces, each $500.

- To friends John & Henry Gardiner £50 to charity of their choice.

- To children of niece Eleanor Gardiner, slaves.

- To Mary Clarissa Bond Barnes, slaves.

- Balance of estate to nephews John, Zachariah, Henry & James Forbes Sothoron.

- Executors "friends" John Sothoron, John Barnes & Henry Gardiner. (Chancery Papers 11304 {Also Wills TT#1:228}, Prince George’s Co., 1818.07.08, Proved 1818.08.31)

James Forbes & Henry Sothoron vs. John Barnes, exr. of Samuel Bond

- Claimant's bill reviews terms of will of Samuel Bond dated 28 July 1818. Two of the executors died shortly thereafter - Henry Gardiner & John Sothoron. The surviving executor paid himself 400 bushels of wheat, worth $600. The estates of the other executors pray for their share wheat, and other debts collected.

- Copy of will of Samuel Bond, drawn 8 July 1818.

- Letter from Barnes dated 31 March 1831, noting amicable settlement of claim.

- Letter of dismissal from Henry Sothoron & James F. Sothoron, test. HGS Key, dated 26 March. (Chancery Papers 11304, Prince George’s Co., Filed 1830.09.22)

** Estate of brother George Washington - Maryland (see his Notes for more information)

Inventory of debts owing to George W. Sothoron late of St. Mary’s Co. dec'd, per Henry G. S. Key, administrator de bonis non. Negroes bought by Mary Sothoron & John Sothoron at sales in 1819; by Henry Sothoron at sale on 27 Feb 1819. Due $2,875. (Orphans Court EIM#2(MdHR CR-35707):206, St. Mary’s Co., Recorded 1831.02.04)

First & final account of Henry G. S. Key, administrator de bonis non of George D. Sothoron.

Account of Mary Sothoron due dec'd from interest from 27 May 1819: $1,544

Monies also due from John Sothoron, Henry Sothoron.

Account balance $5,198.95¾. (Admin Accts EJM#1(MdHR WK-282-283):157, St. Mary’s Co., Recorded 1833.08.16)

Distribution of the estate of George D. Sothoron. Identifies relatives:

- Mother Mary Sothoron

- Brothers John, Henry, Zachariah, James F. Sothoron

- Sisters Ann Smith (? dec'd), Eleanor Gardiner, Mrs. Tubman, Hariet Binns (? dec'd), Rebecca Key

- Niece Elizabeth (dec'd), wife of William Thomas, daughter of Mrs. Tubman

- Niece Mary, wife of George Thomas, daughter of Mrs. Tubman

- Children of Rebecca Key: Philip (his children Rebecca, Sara Anne, Mary); Robert M. (dec'd with heirs); Henry G.S.; Cecelia Ashton (husband Henry); Rebecca Wharton (husband Charles H.D.); Elizabeth Scott (husband John). (Admin Accts EJM#1(MdHR WK-282-283):158, St. Mary’s Co., Recorded 1833.08.16)

** Will & estate of brother Zachariah - Maryland

Zachariah Sothoron wills to his wife Susanna several Negroes, plus one half of household furniture except for a plate inherited from relations, plus $200 annually for life, provided she relinquish her right of dower in real estate.

- To nephew Gonsalos Hodges a Negro.

- To brother John Sothoron, in consideration of debt due him, all rights & claims in the real estate of his late uncle Samuel Bond.

- To brother Henry Sothoron, $2,000.

- Balance of estate to brother John Sothoron, who is also executor. Witness: Thomas Martin, John T. Hawkins, Mary A.M. Estep. (Wills WDM#15:140, Charles Co., 1825.05.06, Proved 1825.07.13)

Account of the sale of the personal estate of Zachariah Sothoron, including: 24 slaves, 19 cattle, 7 horses, 45 sheep, 7 yoke oxen, 5 calves, 6 beds with furniture, 12 Windsor chairs, 12 volume Nicholson's Encyclopedia, various books & Bibles. Includes property received of Henry Sothoron, executor of Mary Sothoron & belonging to the estate of Zachariah. Includes 18 cattle brought from Bond's Retreat & belonging to Zachariah's estate. Appraised value $7,367.29; sale proceeds $7,294.65¾. (Orphans Court Proc :239, Charles Co., 1826.10.25, Recorded 1826.11.21)

In consequence of the death of John Sothoron, executor of the estate of Zachariah Sothoron, the undersigned renounce their entitlement to administration De Bonis Non, and ask for appointment of Henry G.S. Key as administrator De Bonis Non of Zachariah's estate: Susanna Sothoron, Henry Sothoron, James F. Sothoron. (Orphans Court Proc :239, Charles Co., Recorded 1826.11.02)

Administrative bond for Henry G.S. Key as administrator de Bonis Non of the estate of Zachariah Sothoron for $20,000. Sureties Henry & James F. Sothoron. (Admin Accts {MSA WK-247-248-1}:225, Charles Co., Recorded 1826.11.21)

** Will & estate of brother John - Maryland

First account of Henry Sothoron, Bernard Hooe & Henry G. S. Key, executors of John Sothoron late of St. Mary’s Co. dec’d (Admin Accts :207, St. Mary’s Co., 1825.02.15 [NOTE: This date is not right])

Will of John Sothoron. To wife Mary Attaway Briscoe Sothoron, currently pregnant, resident plantation, slaves, personals; to pass to his son John T. H. Sothoron at her death. Deed forgiven on brother Henry's resident plantation, as shown on bond of conveyance dated 6 August 1810. To son Zachariah Henry Sothoron, Bonds Retreat, on the Potomac.

- John Sothoron entitled to half interest in resident plantation of deceased father-in-law, Dr. John H. Briscoe. Briscoe was entitled to a farm near Chaptico, on which Robert Tippett resides. The parcels were to be traded at time of Briscoe's death; trade to be completed and lands to be sold to finance legacies.

- On 27 June 1826 had agreed to sell his brother Henry a tract of land on Patuxent where brother Zachariah formerly lived. This indenture to be completed, with monies, along with those due from Horatio McEldery & George Forbs, to be used to extinguish debt of Forbs estate against John Sothoron on account of being security for his late brother Zachariah Sothoron.

- Interest in Briscoe farm passed to Henry G. S. Key.

- Daughter Mary Elizabeth Attaway Sothoron

- All children under 21 years of age.

- Provisions made to finance education of John T. H. Sothoron.

- Executors brother Henry, friends Bernard Hooe of Alexandria & Henry G .S. Key.

- Witness: John H. Briscoe, Morris Shanks, Anna H. Key. (Wills EIM#1:14, St. Mary’s Co., 1826.10.07, Proved 1826.11.28)

Notice is hereby given, that the subscribers have obtained from the Orphans Crt of St. Mary’s Co, Md, ltrs test on prsnl est of John Sothoron, late of St. Mary’s Co, dec’d - Henry Sothoron, of Chas Co; Bernard Hooe, of Alexandria, DC; HGS Key, of St. Mary’s Co. (Dixon*, 1827-1829.:5, St. Mary’s Co., Reported 1827.01.12)

Fifth account of Bernard Hoos & Henry G.S. Key, surviving executors in the estate of John Sothoron. Lands sold to Peregrine Hayden per will of dec'd. Cash received on Henry Sothoron for multiple bonds for land. Many debts paid. Balance $17,250 (Admin Accts EJM#2(MdHR WK-282-283):233, St. Mary’s Co., 1835.07.14, Recorded 1835.07.14)

** Wife & children - Maryland

Henry Sothoron licensed to marry Elizabeth Marburg. (Brumbaugh* 1:386, St. Mary’s Co., 1796.11.11)

Henry Sothern married Elizabeth Marbury. St. John's Piscataway Parish. (Barnes* 2:442, Prince George’s Co., 1796.11.27)

Henry Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co. married Elizabeth Marbury (born ca. 1773), daughter of Col. Luke Marbury of Piscataway; they had issue: William Henry Sothoron married Miss Barber. (Bowie* :551, 1796.11.27)

Henry Sothoron licensed to marry Dorothy Barber Hawkins, widow of Dr. John Truman Hawkins. (Brumbaugh* 1:387, St. Mary’s Co., 1801.06.01)

Mrs. Dorothy B. Sothoron died, funeral & burial on 14 January 1832 at place of "Major S." (Trinity Parish Register {MSA M259}, Charles Co., 1832.01.12)

** Guardian - Maryland

Petition of Dorothy Hawkins to be appointed guardian to her son, John Truman Hawkins. (Reno* {Fenwick* - Orphans Court Proc}, 1798.10).

John Hawkins orphan, guardians Henry & Dorothy Sothoron. Assessors Elias Wheatly & James Keech, Sr.

- Description: ...on the tenement occupied by Jeremiah Wood are one frame dwelling house in good repair, one old log'd ditto in bad repair, Eleven hundred pannels of fencing in bad repair and ten acres of thin woods...on the tenement occupied by Richard Hill, one old loged dwelling house in bad repair, one thousand pannels of fencing in bad repair, four acres thin woods...on the tenement occupied by Jonathan Woodburn one dwelling house in bad repair and twelve hundred panels of fencing in good repair and three acres of thin woods...on the tenement occupied by John Lyon one old dwelling house in bad repair, one new ditto 12 by 18 feet unfinished, one hundred young thriving apple trees, one hundred indifferent peach trees, fourteen hundred pannels of fencing in tolerable repair and three acres of thin woods...on the tenement occupied by Edward Fowler one old dwelling house in bad repair, one thousand pannels of fencing in bad repair...on the tenement occupied by Leonard Burroughs one old dwelling house in bad repair, three small outhouses in bad repair and twelve hundred pannels of fencing in good repair...on the tenement occupied by Allen Billingsley one old dwelling house in bad repair, two small out houses, one old Tobacco house in bad repair, twelve hundred pannels of fencing in tolerable repair and five acres of thin woods...on the tenement occupied by Samuel Burroughs one framed dwelling house, one log'd house, one tobacco ditto and three small out houses all in good repair, fifteen hundred pannels of fencing in good repair and 20 acres of woods...on the tenement occupied by Gerard Bennet one old log'd dwelling house in bad repair, seven hundred pannels of fencing in bad ditto and four acres woods...one the Trent hall estate occupied by John Sothoron are a good commodius dwelling house, kitchen and four out houses all in good repair, also a farm yard., Barn, Cow house, corn ditto, and stables in good repair...on the Lot in Benedict Town Charles Co. are one dwelling house, a kitchen, and three out houses in tolerable repair and a pailed in garden in bad repair. (Ranzetta*{(Book i:117}, St. Mary’a Co., 1802.02.01)

Henry Sothoron commissioned to appoint a guardian for John Trueman Hawkins of Prince George's Co, a 2 year old infant, only child of John Trueman Hawkins, who died before son's birth. Guardian needed to answer action of Mark Pringle merchant of Baltimore City vs heirs of George Frazier Hawkins. Elias Wheatley appointed guardian. (Chancery Rec 1804-5 60:93, 1802.03.05)

Henry Sothoron & John T Hawkins vs Henderson S Boteler, John S Washington, & others. Bill is to obtain a foreclosure of a mortgage of part of a tract in St. Mary’s Co, cld Trent Hall, cnvyd by Geo F Hawkins & Nathl Washington to Henry Sothoron, for money due by said Washington, as adm of Mgt T Debutts, dec’d, to John T Hawkins, a rep of said Debutts, at that time a minor. John T Hawkins, in whom legal title in said land was vested, died, leaving the above defendants his legal heirs & reps; one of whom, John S Washington, is not a resident of this state. - Ramsay Waters, Reg C C. (Dixon*, 1821-1823.:451, St. Mary’s Co., 1823.09, Reported 1823.11.22)

Henry Sothoron & John T. Hawkins of Charles Co. vs. Henderson L. Boteler & wife, Olivia, William, Amelia, Daniel, Patsy, Nathaniel & John S. Washington. Hawkins is a representative of Margaret Truman Debutts late of St. Mary’s Co. and entitled to ¼ of estate. Nathaniel Washington of St. Mary’s Co. married Margaret Debutts, another representative; he was named administrator of her estate. George Frazier Hawkins of Prince George's Co dec'd and Nathaniel Washington had executed a mortgage for Trent Hall, 184 acres, to Henry Sothoron, guardian of John T. Hawkins, to secure payment of monies due by Washington as administrator of Debutts estate to John T. Hawkins. Suit is for foreclosure, which was granted.

- Dr. William Sothoron appointed guardian of the Washington infants on 21 March 1825 to answer the charge - his answer received the same date

- Property sold at auction 26 Oct 1829, bought by John T. Hawkins at $6.00 per acre. (Chancery Rec 138:607, 1823.11.19)

The signatures of James F. Sothoron & Henry Sothoron appear on a bond this date. Papers relate to Chancery Court case of Henry Sothoron & John T. Hawkins vs. Boteler et al (138 Chancery 607: 19 November 1823). (Chancery Papers 11009, St. Mary’s Co., 1827.11.17)

Debts due to the estate of John T. Hawkins of St. Mary’s Co. dec'd. From Henry Sothoron on note bearing interest from 25 Dec 1828. From William H. Sothoron on note bearing interest from 16 Nov 1831. From Lora Hodges wife of John T. H. Sothoron on note bearing interest from 20 Dec 1831. (Orphans Court EIM#3(MdHR CR-35708):477, St. Mary’s Co., Recorded 1835.07.14)

** Land Records - Maryland

Henry Sotheron & Dorothy Barber Sotheron his wife vs. Mary Tubman & Elizabeth Tubman, heirs to Henry Tubman, filed the above date. Two lots in Calverton Manor, Lot #12 & Lot #13, had been bought from Alexander Trueman by Henry Tubman, with surplus land bought of Alexander Anderson by Trueman. Tubman willed property to Dorothy Barber Sotheron. Charles Smith of St. Mary’s Co. commissioned to appoint a guardian for infant defendants in this action - Elias Wheatley appointed 26 Oct 1803. Decided for claimants on 3 Nov 1803. (Chancery Rec 1802 53:164, 1803.07.28)

At request of Henry Sothoron, decree & deed recorded.

Henry Sothoron and
Dorothy B. Sothoron his wife      In Chancery
agt.   October term
Mary Tubman and   1803
Elizabeth Tubman

Ordered conveyance of land and premises in Bill mentioned according to the will of Henry Tubman the grandfather & Henry Tubman the son and father of the defendants. 3 Nov 1803 order for Elias Wheatley to act as guardian to convey land to Dorothy B. Sothoron. Description as in Land Records IB#6:89, 12 March 1804. (IB#6:88, Charles Co., 1803.11.03, Recorded 1804.04.03)

By decree of High Court of Chancery on bill filed by Henry Sothoron & his wife on 3 Nov 1803 against Mary & Elizabeth Tubman, their guardian was directed to convey property to Dorothy B. Sothoron, wife of Henry Sothoron. Property known as Lot #12 and Lot #13 in Calverton Manor, plus adjacent vacant land if any, but excluding low ground & swamp to the south of a ditch where waters of main branch of Indian Creek now run - that is, all land on right when riding from dwelling plantation of Henry Tubman the grandfather of Mary & Elizabeth to Benedict Town - and excluding surplus which Henry Tubman sold to Walter Burch but not conveyed (25 acres). Witness: Samuel Hawkins. (IB#6:89, Charles Co., 1804.03.12)

From “A List of Alienations & Transfers in St. Mary’s Co. from the Sixth day of June 1786 to the Seventy day of March 1829, folio 110": Henry Sothoron & wife, To John Sothoron, Indian Creek 31 ¾ a. (Chronicles of St. Mary’s 30:#10:8, Recorded 1806.08.26)

Deed recorded at request of buyer. Henry Sothoron & Dorothy Barber Sothoron his wife of Charles Co. sell to John Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co. for $400 a parcel of land for a Mill Seat lying on stream which divides Charles & St. Mary's Counties, being part of Calverton Manor in Charles Co. & part of land in St. Mary's Co. known as Indian Creek, late the property of Henry Tubman dec'd., beginning at small willow in southwest angle of intersection of main road through Cooksey's hill toward Benedict & stream dividing said counties & emptying into Indian Creek. Runs with main road N 42° E 16 perches, N 66° 45' W 82 perches, N 82° 45' W 87 perches to a poplar, S 29° E 36 perches to south side of main run dividing said counties, S 73° 16' E 132 perches to main road, thence with road toward Benedict N 29° E 16 perches to beginning, containing about 31 3/4 acres.  Witness: John Lowry, Edward Meed. ( IB#7:134, Charles Co.,1806.03.03, Recorded 1806.08.12 )

Henry Sothoron & Dorothy B. Sothoron of Charles Co. deed to John Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co. for $400, parcel of land for a mill seat lying on a run dividing Charles & St. Mary's Counties. Is part of Calverton Manor in Charles Co., part of Indian Creek in St. Mary’s Co., the latter late the property of Henry Tubman dec'd. 31 ¾ acres. (1796 Abstracts TH#25(StM#1):518, St. Mary’s Co., 1806.03.03, Recorded 1806.08.26)

Deed recorded at request of buyer. John Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co. sells to Henry Sothoron of Charles Co. for $400 a parcel of land for a mill seat, lying on a stream dividing Charles & St. Mary's Counties, part of Calverton Manor in Charles Co., and part of tract in St. Mary’s Co. called Indian Creek (previously owned by Henry Tubman), containing 31 3/4 acres. Description same as at IB#7:134 above.  Witness: John Lowry, Edward Meed. (IB#7:136, Charles Co., 1806.03.04, Recorded 1806.08.12)

John Sothoron deeds to Henry Sothoron for $400 the same lands in above reference. (Abstracts TH#25(StM#1):518, St. Mary’s Co., 1806.03.04, Recorded 1806.08.26)

From “A List of Alienations & Transfers in St. Mary’s Co. from the Sixth day of June 1786 to the Seventy day of March 1829, folio 110": Henry Sothoron & wife, To John Sothoron, Indian Creek 31 ¾ a. (Chronicles of St. Mary’s 30:#10:8, Recorded 1806.08.26)

From “A List of Alienations & Transfers in St. Mary’s Co. from the Sixth day of June 1786 to the Seventy day of March 1829, folio 111": John Sothoron, To Henry Sothron, Indian Creek - 31 ¾ a. (Chronicles of St. Mary’s 30:#12:11, Recorded 1806.08.26)

George Frazer Hawkins of Prince George's Co & Nathaniel Washington of St. Mary’s Co. deed to Henry Sothoron of Charles Co. for $5, land allotted out of commission of partition issued 4 August 1802, out of Trent Hall, 187 acres called Lott #2. (Abstracts TH#26(StM#2):63, St. Mary’s Co., 1807.08.02, Recorded 1807.08.07)

 Zachariah and Henry Sothoron convey 2 tracts of land to John Sothoron which had come to said Zachariah, Henry and John under the will of Henry Greenfield Sothoron, their father, which lands he purchased the one from Basil Brooke on which the latter lived, being in Charles Co., and lying between King’s Creek and Indian Creek, a part of Calverton Manor; the other tract which the said Henry Greenfield Sothoron purchased of Jane Fenwick, adjoining the first tract and called Taney’s Purchase, containing together 1,008 ½ acres. Witness: Edmund Key. Source: Land Records IB#9:208 [NOTE: as of Jan 2004 this volume is in poor repair and no longer available for circulation.] (Abstracts of Sothoron Deeds–Report of the Genealogical Records Committee, DC DAR. Charles Co., 1810.08.06, Recorded 1811.01.21)

 Reference is made in the above index to the following land records in Liber IB#9, which as of January 2004 is not being circulated because of its poor condition:

- f. 443 - Henry Sothoron et al to John Sothoron

- f. 454 - John Sothoron from Zachariah Sothoron et al

- f. 488 - Zachariah Sothoron et al to Jozachhn Sothoron. (General Index to Land Records, 1658-1832. :208, Charles Co., Recorded 1811)


Zachariah Sothoron & Henry Sothoron convey to John Sothoron 2 tracts which had come to Zachariah, Henry & John under the will of their father Henry Greenfield Sothoron, which lands he purchased the one from Basil Brooke on which the latter then lived, being in Chas. Co. and lying between King's Creek and Indian Creek, a part of Calverton Manor; the other tract which the said Henry Greenfield Sothoron purchased of Jane Fenwick, adjoining the first tract and called "Taney's Purchase," cont'g together 1,008 1/2 A.  Witness Edmund Key.  (DAR Report - Charles Co., Land Records IB#9:208, Drawn 6 Aug 1810, Recorded 21 Jan 1811)

Elias Wheatley of St. Mary’s Co. deeds to Henry Sothoron of Charles Co. for $125, that lot laying in the head of the mill pond of Henry's in Cooksey's Swamp. 3 acres 20 pp. (Abstracts TH#27:47, St. Mary’s Co., 1812.01.10, Recorded 1812.03.05)

Henry Sothoron & Dorothy B. Sothoron his wife of Charles Co. deed to Meveral Moran of Charles Co. for $1,200, a mill seat on Indian Creek, south side of Cooksey's Swamp, “...of sufficient size to operate and maintain it.” In Charles & St. Mary's Counties. (Abstracts TH#27:159, St. Mary’s Co., 1813.04.20, Recorded 1813.10.12)

Recorded deed at request of buyer. Henry Sothoron & wife Dorothy B. Sothoron of Charles Co. sell to Meveral Moran of Charles Co., for $1200, mill seat on Indian Creek with enough land to allow pond behind dam, source of gravel, etc. Abuts Cookseys swamp, partly in Charles and partly in St. Mary's Co. Witness: John Forbes, John Lowry. (10#2(IB#10):335, Charles Co., 1813.04.20, Recorded 1813.10.15)

From “A List of Alienations & Transfers in St. Mary’s Co. from the Sixth day of June 1786 to the Seventy day of March 1829, folio 180": Henry Sothoron & wife, Deed to Meveral Moran “All that tenement or Mill Seat now in the tenure & occupation of the said Henry Sothoron & being on Indian Creek.” (Chronicles of St. Mary’s 30:#10:8, Recorded 1813.10.12)

George Thomas & Mary his wife of St. Mary’s Co., and William Thomas & Elizabeth his wife of Charles Co., deed to Henry Sothoron of Charles Co. for $8,000, Indian Creek with Addition, 757 ¾ acres. (Abstracts TH#28(StM#2A):287, St. Mary’s Co., 1817.06.12, Recorded 1817.11.05)

Recorded deed at request of buyer. Henry Sothoron & Dorothy B. Sothoron his wife of Charles Co. sell to Gustavus Gill of Charles Co. for $3,500, Indian Creek with Addition, beginning at bound chesnut post on side of ditch on main branch of Indian Creek, near main road, 21 1/2° W 42 perches to bounded forked beech on side of small run, S 46 1/2° 46 perches to bounded poplar marked with 6 notches & standing on side of a hill, S 87 1/2° @ 40 perches, N 72° W 48 perches to bounded red oak with 6 notches & standing on a knoll, N 23° W 42 perches to bounded beech with 6 notches & on side of a run, then down run N 28 1/2° E 52 perches to main branch of Indian Creek, then down said branch to beginning, containing about 64 acres, excepting 2 tracts sold by Sothorons to Meveral Moran & recorded at Court House.  Witness: Samuel Maddox, Thomas B. Briscoe. (IB#12:99, Charles Co., 1817.06.13, Recorded 1817.08.19)

Henry Sothoron & Dorothy B. Sothoron his wife of Charles Co. deed to Gustavus Gill of Charles Co. for $3,500, Lott #12 & Lott #13 in Calverton Manor, which Elias Wheatley by deed dated 12 March 1804 conveyed to Dorothy B. Sothoron, along with portion of Indian Creek with Addition not already sold to Meveral Moran, 64 acres. (Abstracts TH#28(StM#2A):288), St. Mary’s Co., 1817.06.13, Recorded 1817.12.02)

From “A List of Alienations & Transfers in St. Mary’s Co. from the Sixth day of June 1786 to the Seventy day of March 1829, folio 211": Sothoron, Henry & Dorothy B., Deed to Gustavus Gill Indian Creek with Addn. - 64 a. (Chronicles of St. Mary’s 30:#10:8, Recorded 1817.12.02)

Henry Sothoron & Dorothy Barber his wife of Charles Co. deed to John Truman Hawkins for $11,000, Indian Creek with Addition, 757 ¾ acres. (Abstracts TH#29(StM#3):198, St. Mary’s Co., 1820.06.20, Recorded 1820.11.21)

Henry G.S. Key of St. Mary's Co      vs      John T. P., Zachariah P., James F.,
Barnard Hooe of Alexandria, Va   Henry, Susanna R. Sothoron

- Notes agreement between John Sothoron late of St. Mary’s Co. & Henry Sothoron late of Charles Co. (see below). Henry Sothoron took possession of land & made some payments. On about 7 October 1826 John Sothoron published his will, passing lands to Henry in fee simple, appointing him along with complainant as executors. John died about 1 November 1826. His executors gave bond, Henry making several payments on the account, leaving a debt balance by 15 March 1826 of $6,009.36. Henry Sothoron made his will 18 January 1832, appointing his son-in-law John Truman Hawkins & his only child William H. Sothoron as executors. The estate of Henry Sothoron including his equitable sale of noted land descended to his only child & heir at law William Henry Sothoron, late of Charles Co. dec'd. William made further payments, reducing the balance by 9 August 1833 to $3,991.02. Will of William H. Sothoron published 30 November 1836, demising his whole estate to be divided equally between his 2 children, Henry Sothoron & Susanna Rebecca Sothoron; if both deceased, then to cousin John Henry Sothoron & friend Samuel P. Webster. William H. Sothoron died 28 February 1837. John Sothoron left 4 children: John T. H., Zachariah Henry, James Philip & Mary Elizabeth Attaway Sothoron; Mary died in infancy, others still infants. John made provision for his widow in lieu of her dower and thirds. The children of William H. are infants. Balance of payment still due, with interest from 9 August 1833. Prays for appointment of guardian for infants, payment of monies due, sale of property if necessary to make payment.

- Agreement dated 27 June 1826. John Sothoron sells to Henry Sothoron lands next to lands now lived on by Henry, near Benedict, derived from brother Zachariah who had lived there, for $10,000. Henry is to secure to John and heirs, and of James F. Sothoron of and as to certain debts or bonds due from the estate of Horatio C. McElderry & George Forbes to the estate of their late uncle Samuel Bond. Balance payable in 6 years with interest from 1 Jan next. Henry is out of interest money to pay the widow of Zachariah Sothoron, their late brother, $200 as devised by Zachariah, in lieu of her dower; if she claims dower, Henry is to retain so much of the principal as would yield interest equivalent to the right of dower. Bears signatures of John & Henry Sothoron.

- Will of John Sothoron, 7 Oct 1826, 28 Nov 1826

- Will of Henry Sothoron, 18 Jan 1832, 13 Nov 1832

- Will of William H. Sothoron of Charles Co., 30 Nov 1836, 24 Feb 1837.

- Appointment of William T. Maddox as guardian to infants John T. H., Zachariah Henry, James P. Sothoron & others, 4 January 1839.

- Appointment of George Combs as guardian to infants Henry, Susanna Rebecca Sothoron & others, 4 January 1839.

- Interrogatories of John H. Briscoe dated 4 Feb 1839. Notes that Zachariah Sothoron died in 1825 or 1826, his wife 3 years ago.

- Final decree of Chancery Court, 11 February 1840. John Scott of Baltimore City trustee in sale of property to satisfy debt. (Chancery Papers 9156, St. Mary’s Co., Filed 1838.06.26)

3/11/1840: Trustee sale: decree of the high Court of Chancery of Maryland; sale at Morton's store in Benedict, Charles Co., Md. on April 1, valuable real estate in said county, near Benedict; being the same estate upon which Zachariah Southoron lived and which John Southoron afterwards sold to his brother Henry Southoron. John Scott, trustee. (Reno* {National Intelligencer Newspaper Abstracts, 1840}, Reported 1840.03.11)

Capt. George R. Gaither   Eliz., Mary, Emily Childs
Alexander Fisher      merchants John D. Bowling
William D. Miller   Francis Neale
William E. Mayhew          vs. Ignatius Pike
  Joseph Janney
  Darcy A. Frency
  William H. Sothoron
  John Glenn
  Mordecai Miller
  Henrietta Dixon
  Estate of Samuel Childs

Samuel Childs was indebted to claimants, gave a promissory note on 18 Oct 1832 for $555 payable with interest in 6 months. Samuel died, his widow Elizabeth & John D. Childs executors. The firm of B. & S. Childs dissolved in 1832, Samuel to be responsible for the firm's debts. Tract of land in Charles Co. called Tanyard was purchased by S. Childs from Henry Sothoron since deceased, most monies paid to Sothoron before his death, the balance to his only heir William H. Sothoron. Deed never received by Childs. Pike & Neal of Baltimore claim a mortgage on the tract; Childs claimed the mortgage was satisfied, and mortgaged it to Patrick Dixon, deceased without heirs in Maryland.

- John Glenn the trustee for Benjamin Childs who filed for relief under an Act of Assembly for insolvency.

- 9 August 1837. In Chancery, the Bill taken pro confesso against absent defendants, & that real estate & property be sold for satisfaction of mortgage & other debts due, John D. Bowling of Charles Co. trustee. (Chancery Papers 7993 {Recored 60:302}, Charles Co., Recorded 1834)

Henry Sothoron, now deceased, had sold tract of land called Tanyard to Samuel Childs. The greater part of the purchase price was paid to Samuel before his death, the balance to his only heir William H. Sothoron of Charles Co.. Deed was never received. Ignatius Pike & Francis Neale of Baltimore City claim to hold mortgage on the property. (Chancery Rec 60:302, 1834.08.04)

** Tax Assessments - Maryland

1812 (Real estate only) . Upper Resurrection Hundred, St. Mary’s Co.

- Henry Sothoron. Land: Indian Creek, 31 ¾ acres. Total 39.13.9.

- Henry Sothoron, guardian of Jno. T. Hawkins. Land: Pt. Trent Neck No. 3, 175 acres; Pt. Trent Neck No. 2, 305 acres. Total 830.0.0. (Fenwick*)

Account of sales of property of Henry Alu Thompson includes the following sales:

- Dr. William Sothoron - 1 reel & 3 piles Hoghead staves. By note for 13.31

- Henry Sothoron - Tinners & carpenters tools. By note for 73.51

- Francis Sothoron - 16 plates & dish. Cash 98 1/4 cents.

- Zachariah Sothoron - 1 horse. By note for 32.50.  (Tax Assessment Papers {MSA C1523-3}, St. Mary’s Co., 1822.12.23)

** Census schedules - Maryland

List of slave owners, by Hundred, with number of slaves:

- Hundred not noted - Eleanor Sothoron, 1 slave. “lives St. Mary’s, Superintendant Henry Sothoron”

- Benedict - Henry Sothoron, 11 slaves. (Carothers*, Charles Co., 1798)

1800 Census - Trinity Parish, Charles Co. Henry Sothoron, pg 77

Free white males 16 - 25...1
26 - 44...1
females 16 - 25...1

1810 Census - Charles Co. Henry Sotheoron, pg 95 (321)

Free white males 10 - 15....2
26 - 44....1
females under 10....1
16 - 25....1
26 - 44....1

1820 Census - District 4, Charles Co. - Henry Sothoron, pg 228

Free white males 18 - 25....1
females 16 - 17....1
18 - 25....1

1830 Census - District 4 (Bryantown), Charles Co. - Henry Sothoron, pg 172

Free white males 20 - 29....1
30 - 39....1
50 - 59....1
females 30 - 39....1
50 - 59....1
Other Free....3

** Military activity - Maryland

Hy. Sothoron commissioned as Ensign, a Company Officer of the 45th Regiment on 18 June 1794. He was promoted to Lieutenant on 16 May 1797. (Military Appointments 2:54, 147, St. Mary’s Co.)

"An enrollment of the Militia in Saint Mary's County, agreeably to an Act of Assembly; as returned by F. Hamersley to the Commissioners of the Tax 1794." Found in the back of the 1794 Assessment Record Book of St. Mary's County. List includes:

- John Sotherland

- Francis Sothoron

- Francis Sothoron

- Henry Sothoron

- John Sothoron

- John Johnson Sothoron

- Samuel Sotheron

- Zacharian Sotheron. (Chronicles of St. Mary's 2:#10, 1794)

** Church activities - (Trinity Parish, Charles Co., Maryland unless otherwise noted)

Reverend John de Butts already installed. Vestry included Henry Sothoron. (MD Hist Mag 31:35,All Faith Parish, St. Mary’s Co., 1792.04.09)

Attestation of Henry Sothoron to perform the duties of Vestryman. (Register of Vital Records B(MSA M260), 1807.10.01)

Mr. Henry Sothoron makes pledge toward clergy support. (Treasurer’s Acct MSA M227:97, 1808.08.10)

Mr. Henry Sothoron makes pledge toward clergy support. (Treasurer’s Acct MSA M227:112, 1809.08.10)

Mr. Henry Sothoron makes pledge toward clergy support. (Treasurer’s Acct MSA M227:97, 1813.02.15)

On Edward Turner's List, Henry Sothoron & William Sothoron each has an outstanding balance of 2.00. On Aguila Turner's List, Richard Sothoron has an outstanding balance of 1.00. (Treasurer’s Acct (MSA M227 & M258:unnumbered, 1818.05.13)

Pew assignments are listed, none to a Sothoron. However, Henry Sothoron was elected to the Vestry. (Register of Vital Rec B {MSA M260}, 1820.04.29)

Henry Sothoron qualified as a Vestryman, and attended most meetings through 18 April 1824. (Register of Vital Rec B {MSA M260}, 1820.05.13)

Pew #4 was assigned to Clement Dorsey & Henry Sothoron. (Register of Vital Rec B {MSA M260}, 1820.06.05)

Henry Sothoron not present at meeting of Vestry, but along with John Adams was authorized to have necessary repairs made to the Chapel. (Register of Vital Rec B {MSA M260}, 1821.09.11)

Henry Sothoron a Vestryman in 1822 & 1823. (Summary of Hist of Trinity Parish {MSA M228}:36)

Mr. Henry Sothoron volunteered to have his slave perform the necessary repairs on the Piazza. Mr. Sothoron was referred to as a member of the Vestry. (Register of Vital Rec B {MSA M260}, 1822.08.05)

Henry Sothoron attended a meeting of the Vestry for the first time since 16 June 1821. (Register of Vital Rec B{MSA M260}, 1823.03.09)

Henry Sothoron was reelected to the Vestry. He attended meetings through 3 May 1823. (Register of Vital Rec B {MSA M260}, 1823.03.31)

Henry Sothoron's List for the year includes credits for Henry Sothoron, Zachariah Sothoron & James F. Sothoron. William Sothoron is is arrears by 2.00. (Treasurer’s Acct {MSA M227 & M258}:unnumbered, 1823)

Henry Sothoron was reelected to the Vestry. (Register of Vital Rec B {MSA M260}, 1824.03.06)

Henry Sothoron attended a Vestry meeting, but was then absent until the meeting of 12 June 1824, and attended sporadically thereafter (Register of Vital Rec B {MSA M260}, 1824.04.18)

Henry Sothoron's List for the year includes credits for Henry Sothoron, James F. Sothoron & Zachariah Sothoron. Mary Sothoron is in arrears by 5.00. On William Good's List, Richard Sothoron owes 1.00. On John J. Estep's List, William Sothoron still owes 2.00. (Treasurer’s Acct {MSA M227 & M258}:unnumbered, 1824)

Henry Sothoron a vestryman in 1825 & 1826. (Summary of Hist of Trinity Parish {MSA M228}, 1825)

Henry Sothoron's List for the year includes credits for Henry Sothoron & Zachariah Sothoron. James F. Sothoron has an unpaid balance of 5.00. (Treasurer’s Acct {MSA M227 M258}: unnumbered, 1825)

Henry Sothoron credited with payment of 1.00. (Treasurer’s Acct {MSA M227 & M258}:6, 1826.08.19)

Henry Sothoron had served as a Vestryman, attending meetings sporadically. [NOTE: see 1824.04.18] At this date's election he was balloted out. (Register of Vital Rec B {MSA M260}, 1827.04.18)

John Tucker's List for the year includes credits for Henry Sothoron, James F. Sothoron & William Sothoron. (Treasurer’s Acct {MSA M227 & M258}, 1827)

Henry Sothoron credited with payment of 10.00. (Treasurer’s Acct {MSA M227 & M258}:24, 1827.11.03)

James Morton's List for the year includes credits for William Sothoron, Henry Sothoron, William H. Sothoron & William B. Sothoron. (Treasurer’s Acct {MSA M227 & M258}: unnumbered, 1828)

Henry Sothoron credited with payment of 10.00. (Treasurer’s Acct {MSA M227 & M258}:24, 1829.05.18)

At. Mr. Henry Sothoron's "Pl_n of plenty", the marriage of Henry free colored to Nelly Jane. (Parish Register {MSA M259}:unnumbered, 1831.04.03)

Henry Sothoron credited for payment of $10.00. (Vestry Minutes {MSA M231}, 1832.06.23)

** Activities as witness, surety and appraiser - Maryland

The court appoint John Sothoron guardian to James Forbes Sothoron, Thomas Sothoron and George Washington Sothoron, sons of Henry Greenfield Sothoron deceased. Henry Sothoron and Zachariah __?__ securitys in the penalty of £2,000 current money each. Bond taken for each. (Fenwick* {Orphans Court Proc :225}, St. Mary’s Co., 1795.04)

2/1807: John Sothoron, one of the admr. of Henry Tubman to sell perishable personal estate. 11/1808: John Sothoron and Henry Sothoron, Admrs. of Henry Tubman (Reno* {Orphan Ct. Rec., Fenwick}).

In the case of Samuel Chapman vs. Charles G. Smith. Thomas Dougharty Esq., in answering defendant's interrogatories, notes a discussion at Mr. Henry Sothoron's place in January 1817, between himself & Margaret Smith regarding the legacy of her brother, Henry A. Smith. Henry Sothoron testified (f. 170) for the claimants. (Chancery Rec {1824} 126:151, 1820.09.18)

Henry Sothoron of Charles Co. notes a letter of administration granted to John Bate of St. Mary’s Co. on 24 Dec 1829 on the estate of Martha Smith of Charles Co., Henry Sothoron on his administration bond of $3,000. Bate has not fulfilled his dutes and is about to leave the State with the assets, and has refused Sothoron any security or accounting. Requests restraint from leaving the State, turning assets over to a trustee, and an accounting.

- Injunction dated 11 May 1830 against Bate leaving the State.

- Order for Bate to take bond with security in penalty of $3,000. (Equity Papers {MSA 19,731-159):#97A, Charles Co., 1830.05.11)

** Miscellaneous - Maryland

Died: Mr. John Smith, age 29 years, at residence of Henry Sothoron, nr Benedict. Parents, bros & sisters are bereft. (Dixon*, 1824-1826.:288, 1825.11.19, Reported 1825.11.29)

Runaway committed to Calvert Co, Md jail; negro man Issac Healms, age ab’t 35 or 40 yrs; commtted as prop of Henry Sothoron, of Chas Co, but he as since said that he belongs to a certain Issac Bealle, of said co, from the jail of which he likely made his escape. - Jas B Dixon, Shrf, Calv Co, Md. (Dixon*, 1824-1826.:342, Calvert Co., Reported 1826.05.23)

Henry Sothoron deposed 31 Aug 1820 in case of George Forbes vs McElderry et al, found in Chancery Papers 7923 [see full description in Notes for uncle Samuel Bond]., filed 1832.07.11.

** Death, will & personal estate - Maryland

Henry Sothoron wills to his stepson John Truman Hawkins some servants. Hawkins named joint executor with his son (not named). Witness: William H. Sothoron, Eleanor S. Smith, Susanna C.K. Sothoron.

- In probate, William H. Sothoron identified as executor with John Truman Hawkins. (Wills WDM#15:481, Charles Co., 1832.01.18, Proved 1832.11.13)

Private Communion given to Henry Sothoron. (Trinity Parish Register {MSA M259}, Charles Co., 1832.01.18)

Henry Sothoron Esq. died, funeral & burial on 24 January 1832 at Major Sothoron's place. (Trinity Parish Register {MSA M259}, Charles Co., 1832.01.20)

is the Grave
who departed this life
at his residence near Benedict Charles Co
on the 20th of January 1832
in the 60th year of his age.
He has an imperishable Monument in the
memory of all who knew him.

Grave Marker, Sothoron Family Cemetery, The Plains, St. Mary’s Co., MD.

Bonding of William H. Sothoron as executor of the estate of Henry Sothoron, with John Truman Hawkins & Peter W. Crain as sureties, for $20,000. (Admin Accts {MSA WK-247-248-2}:391, Charles Co., Recorded 1832.11.13)

First account of Henry Sothoron, executor of Mary Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co., by William H. Sothoron, executor of Henry Sothoron of Charles Co.. Notes various debts, including payment to Rev. J. Reynolds for funeral services for dec'd. Net value of estate $10,767.85¼. (Admin Accts EJM#1{MSA WK-282-283}:414, St. Mary’s Co., 1833.03.08, Recorded 1833.03.08)

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W. Haddox Sothoron, M.D.